Friday, January 27, 2012

Makers defend Islam movie criticized by NYC mayor (AP)

NEW YORK ? The filmmakers behind a documentary on radical Islam whose showing was criticized by New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg are defending their work.

The Clarion Fund said Wednesday its movie, "The Third Jihad," accurately describes the Muslim terrorist threat.

Muslim groups say it paints them as terrorists and encourages Americans to distrust them.

Bloomberg on Tuesday said New York police used terrible judgment when they showed the movie on the sidelines of counterterrorism training sessions in 2010.

New York Police Department Commissioner Ray Kelly appears in the film talking about the threat of terrorists using nuclear weapons. The NYPD says Kelly regrets doing the interview with the filmmakers.

Many Muslim groups worry the NYPD is teaching officers to regard all Muslims as suspects. An Associated Press investigation last year revealed the NYPD has operated a surveillance program targeting ethnic neighborhoods.


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