Sunday, April 22, 2012

Madden '13 Cover Clash: Cam Newton vs. Calvin Johnson!

Cam Newton won the NFL's Rookie of the Year Award last year, but the prolific passer is now after something far more important.

An ongoing fan vote to determine who should grace the cover of wildly-poplar video game Madden '13 is down to the Carolina Panthers quarterback and Calvin Johnson of the Detroit Lions.

And in an attempt to win over the masses, Newton has released a lengthy video, pleading to boys, girls, cat and dogs that he deserves the honor. On what grounds?

Well, he's quite adept at the game, that's for certain, giving fans a tour here of his multi-screen setup. His nicknames also include "Mr. Swagman" and "Mr. Goes H.A.M." So he has that going for him.

Last season, Peyton Hillis of the Browns covered Madden... and proceeded to produce the worst season of his career. Careful of what you wish for, Cam.

Who do you want to see on the cover of Madden '13?

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