Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Aram Lecture on Business Ethics - Gonzaga University Blogs

When Should You Trust a CEO?s Apology?

Dr. Daryl Koehn

Save the Date!
The Aram Lecture on Business Ethics
Sponsored by Gonzaga University
School of Business Administration and
Graduate School of Business
Thursday, March 29th
? 6:00-9:00pm
Red Lion River Inn

6:00 Reception ? 7:00 Keynote Address ? 8:30 Coffee & Dessert

At a time when public trust with business is at an all-time low, we look to business leaders to reaffirm that trust. Part of the rebuilding requires leaders to recognize and acknowledge business missteps. Dr. Koehn has worked extensively on the subject of trustworthiness. She will explore what makes for a trustworthy apology by using examples of recent CEO apologies, some of which are trustworthy, others less so. She will also consider whether it is possible to specify in a complete way the conditions that an apology must meet in order to be trustworthy.

One of the leading figures in academic business ethics for the last two decades, Daryl Koehn is a Full Professor in the Ethics and Business Law Department at the University of St. Thomas in Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN. Her 1994 book, The Ground of Professional Ethics, set the standard for work in that field. Her other works include Corporate Governance: Ethics Across the Board;? Local Insights, Global Ethics for Business; and her most recent book Living with the Dragon: Thinking and Acting Ethically in a World of Unintended Consequences. In addition to writing and teaching, she consults with many corporations.


For more information and to register, please? follow the link below:

The Aram Lecture on Business Ethics is a keynote address given each year by a visiting lecturer invited by Gonzaga University?s John L. Aram Professor of Business Ethics. The professorship, held by Dr. Brian Steverson, was established in honor of John Aram, a Gonzaga trustee and benefactor, to give students greater awareness of the ethical dilemmas faced by decision makers in business and government.

John Aram?s long and dedicated service to the forest industry spurred Weyerhaeuser Company, Boise Cascade Corporation, Potlatch Corporation, the George F. Jewett Foundation, and many industry associates and friends to establish the professorship in business ethics at Gonzaga. It is a fitting tribute to a man whose life exemplified a commitment to ethical values in both his business and personal endeavors.


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