Thursday, November 15, 2012

Maryville kids provide clean water for villages in Africa

Clean drinking water is something about 800,000,000 people don't have.

Some children in Maryville are making a difference.

Connie Sagar leads the Kids Ministry at the First Baptist Church of Maryville.

"I'm just excited to see the kids not only show concern and compassion for others in their community but as a world at large. That they have seen a need and figured out how to help address it," Connie Sagar said.

It started when a family in the church shared their story of adopting Netsa from Ethiopia.

"They were telling not only about the adoption process but about the need for clean water in Africa and how they had helped build a well. And one of our 3rd graders looked up at his mom and said if they need clean water why aren't we helping?" Sager explained.

Dig Deep For Africa evolved from that question from Colby Sinclair who is now in 4th grade.

"I thought it was just so bad for them because we just have to walk five feet and they have to walk like six miles. It's a very big difference," Colby Sinclair said.

Connie Sagar said, "We set the goal at $4,000 hoping we could reach it and they have surpassed it."

A board helped track the fundraising efforts for the boys and the girls. One fourth grader raised more than $100.

Grace Lucas said, "I went around and sold lemonade and I did a nail salon for all the ladies in our neighborhood."

Dig Deep For Africa donated the money to The Water Project. It's a Christian non-profit answering Jesus' call to help those who thirst.

"They have raised over $11,000 so they're not only building one well, they're building a well in Uganda and repairing a well in Sierra Leone," Sagar said.

Grace said, "I was really excited that we could help somebody out."

The well in Sierra Leone should be fixed by this February while the new well in Uganda should be completed in late spring.

"I am so happy for the people there," Grace said.

Colby said, "I think they feel very excited like winning the lottery."


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