Sunday, November 25, 2012

Video: How did TODAY anchors spend Thanksgiving?

>>> we have had a great thanksgiving holiday. we're reminiscing here. we're going to share a little bit of ours with you. i was tasked with taking pictures as we all were. i failed at my assignment. so i'm just apologizing.

>> that's beautiful!

>> thankfully, melissa, one of our producers made it look really good. the wine does not belong to sawyer and weston.

>> but you tried a video.

>> i tried a video to get them to say what they're thankful for. my oler son was super sweet. he said i'm thankful for my elf on the shelf. and my younger one says i'm thankful for dirty.

>> which sounds like turkey.

>> my son made that centerpiece.

>> this was the first thanksgiving my twin girls could play a full round of candy land , so there they are without throwing the pieces around. we played some rock band . we did an asian dinner. we went to a children's museum in philly where you can dress up as different professions, and they dressed up as doctors, where i got a check-up. i think we have a shot of that, too. there we are. got my ears checked. the bad thing was they said where's our co-pay?

>> but they did clear you to work today.

>> yes, that's right.

>> the picture of health .

>> well, my family came down from boston. my in-laws now. and that is a group of all of us. and way, way, way in the back is the parade. this is my first time spending thanksgiving in new york city with the parade, and i didn't realize how all the streets are closed off. i'm like oh, we'll just walk up to it. we saw papa smurf . we saw spiderman. so the kids were happy.

>> this is your first married holiday. like me this is my first married holiday. but because of work, we didn't have time to travel so. we volunteered for an organization in new york that provides home and shelter to lgbt youth. that is the before picture of the yams. that is the after.

>> who was cooking?

>> this was a combination. if you saw that shot, we had patrick, who was taking everybody to the gun show. [ laughter ]

>> two tickets, right?

>> but ally sheedy was in that picture. the actress and her daughter. it was a new oven.


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